Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Burmese Traditional Chess

Are you a fun of Chess ?

then why don't we try Burmese Chess on online ?

let's me share about Burmese Chess...

Sittuyin (known as Burmese chess), is a chess-related game which is a direct offspring of the Indian game of chaturanga which arrived in 8th century AD. Sit is the modern Burmese word for army or war; the word sittuyin can be translated as representation of the four characteristics of army—chariot, elephant, cavalry and infantry.

To Know how to play then;
go to this link;

Have Fun!

here you goes;
The National Anthem with Lyric...

List of the 135 tribes and ethnic groups in Myanmar


Kachin group includes 12 ethnic groups. Kachins are located in the north-east of Myanmar in the mountain, not so far from the Chinese border (Yunan).
(1) Kachin, (2) Trone, (3) Dalaung, (4) Jinghpaw, (5) Guari, (6) Hkahku, (7) Duleng, (8) Maru (Lawgore), (9) Rawang, (10) Lashi (La Chit), (11) Atsi, (12) Lisu


Kayah group includes 9 tribes. Kaya group is located in the mountain in the center-eastern part of Myanmar. They are very close to Thailand.
 (1) Kayah, (2) Zayein, (3) Ka-Yun (Padaung), (4) Gheko, (5) Kebar, (6) Bre (Ka-Yaw), (7) Manu Manaw, (8) Yin Talai, (9) Yin Baw


Kayin group has 11 tribes. Their population is widespread in Myanmar, from cities near Yangon, to the Thai border and south Myanmar..
 (1) Kayin, (2) Kayinpyu, (3) Pa-Le-Chi, (4) Mon Kayin (Sarpyu), (5) Sgaw, (6) Ta-Lay-Pwa, (7) Paku, (8) Bwe, (9) Monnepwa, (10) Monpwa, (11) Shu.


Chin is a very big ethnic group in Myanmar, They live close to the Indian and Bangladeshi border in a hilly and remote region of Myanmar.
Chin, Meithei, Saline, Ka-Lin-Kaw, Khami, Awa Khami, Khawno, Kaungso, Kaung Saing Chin, Kwelshin, Kwangli, Lyente, Gwete, Ngorn, Zizan, Sentang, Saing Zan,Za-How, Zotung, Zo-Pe, ( Zo, Zanniet, Tapong, Tiddim (Hai-Dim),Tay-Zan, Taishon, Thado, Torr, Dim, Dai (Yindu), Naga, Tanghkul, Malin, Panun, Magun, Matu, Miram (Mara), Mi-er, Mgan, Lushei , Laymyo, Lyente, Lawhtu, Lai, Laizao, Wakim (Mro), Haulngo, Anu, Anun, Oo-Pu, Lhinbu, Asho , Rongtu.


Bamar has 9 tribes in his group. Bamar group is located around the Irrawaddy river and in the delta of the Irrawaddy (Yangon area)..
Bamar, Dawei, Beik, Yaw, Yabein, Kadu, Ganan, Salon, Hpon.


Mons are very important in Myanmar and Buddhism history in Myanmar. Mon group is located south of Bago (around Moulmein) and the ancient Mon capital was Bago (Pegu).


Rakhine group is located west of Myanmar, along the Indian ocean, close to Bangladesh.
Rakhine, Kamein, Kwe Myi, Daingnet, Maramagyi, Mro, Thet


Shan group is a very important and powerful group in Myanmar. Shan State is very big and spread from Chinese border , Laos border, Thai border to the end of the Shan plate (near Taungoo or Mandalay).
It is possible to make very interesting treks in Shan to see local tribes (Kalaw, Inle, Kentung) but most of the Shan State is still a restricted area.

Shan, Yun, Kwi, Pyin, Yao,Danaw, Pale, En, Son, Khamu, Kaw , Kokang, Khamti Shan, Hkun, Taungyo, Danu, Palaung, Man Zi, Yin Kya, Yin Net, Shan Gale, Shan Gyi, Lahu, Intha, Eik-swair, Pa-O, Tai-Loi, Tai-Lem, Tai-Lon, Tai-Lay, Maingtha, Maw Shan , Wa
Showing The Consumes of ethics

Showing of ethics where they live

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

About This Blog

I am not a writer. I am not studying History. I am not the one theist my Country.
I am the one who loves my country and the people of Myanmar (Burma).

As I said above, I am the one who love my country and that motivates me to share knowledge about my country Myanmar/Burma to those who want to know and who need to know.

When I talk about my country, there is something I can never leave to mention which is "The Irrawaddy/ Ayeyarwady River". She is flowing in the middle of the country. The Journey begins from the northern part of the country to the southern part of the nation. She flows city by city, town by town and village by village to give love. People in the nation used to call that river as "Our blood/ Our heart" in the poem or stories. They say she is either our past or our future.

Yes.. She is our past because she approves all the stories that I had learn from books are true. She also describes herself as the oldest one in the nation to tell the bed time stories of the country to new and new generation and she is still taking care of us as she did taking care of our great grandfathers ...... Moreover, She loves all the children of the nation with the same only one heart! She gives me many memories in life and I will always be missing you whenever or wherever i am!

I love you "The Irrawaddy/Ayeyarwady River" as I love my country, Myanmar(Burma)!
